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There are a few states that actually have multiple songs too The style of the song varies from state to state Some sound like catchy anthems and some are just songs that celebrate the state Click on one of the 50 states songs below to see more information about a specific state's song You can view the lyrics, listen to the song, and evenNursery Rhymes and Kids Songs by Raggs TV – Sung to the tune of "Turkey in the Straw" this cute 50 States song has some rhyming to it that kids will enjoy And the tune is so catchy, they'll be LYRICS\r \r Were the United States of America\r Were 50 strong and proud\r Heres the names of all our states\r And their capitals sang loud\r \r My name is Alabama\r My capitals Montgomery \r Fifty Nifty United States Vocals Youtube 50 states song for kids/50 states and capitals for children/usa 50 states lyrics

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